“Decoded” is a youth espionage drama produced by Huace Film & TV, adapted from the same name novel by writer Mai Jia. It is directed by An Jian and written by Feng Ji. Zhang Zhehan plays the role of Han Bing, a cold-faced sniper, in the series.
The drama aired exclusively on the Golden Eagle Solo Drama Theater of Hunan Satellite TV on June 20, 2016. It had a second round of broadcast on the Golden Theater of Guizhou Satellite TV starting from July 25th.
The drama revolves around the brilliant mathematician Rong Jinzhen’s decryption of the “super code” “Purple” and “Black”, unfolding a secret and great legendary story. In the early days of the founding of New China, a foreign country sent a special spy organization led by the codename “Awakener” to infiltrate China, using the advanced code named “Purple” for communication, causing significant damage to China’s national defense construction. The special unit 701, led by Zheng Dang, was tasked with recruiting various talents nationwide to supplement fresh forces for deciphering the “Purple” and even the “Black,” representing the highest level of intelligence. People with special mathematical talents like “idiot savant” Rong Jinzhen were discovered and recruited into 701, and a secret and great legendary story unfolds slowly. Rong Jinzhen and others not only have to decode a code like a heavenly book but also unravel the “secrets of life” of the “701 people” – including their secrets of birth, destiny, personality, and feelings. Each person carries their own mission, and each person hides their own secrets. Because of the same belief and goal, they strive and work hard, only to prove the value of the unnamed heroes of the republic.
新的一年是充满惊喜的一年! 敬请期待!
Life is short, never late never give up .
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韩冰,新春快乐! 平安喜乐,得偿所愿,祝你也祝我㊗️
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韩冰 除夕快乐!
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别让生活蹂躏了你眉目间的温柔,晚安✩ ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆
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帅气的韩冰(♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡
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