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Director’s Notes, Meeting Xuanzi
In August, Shangri-La welcomed the main group amidst an urgent drizzle, saturating the night with soaked ink. Yet, walking in such solemn darkness didn’t feel devoid of safety; instead, it exuded tranquility. (At least until the moment a group of people, dragging hefty suitcases, stepped onto the damp and slippery cobblestone path in the rain.)
Preparations for this film shoot had been underway in Beijing for two to three months, so the altitude of over 3,000 meters was nothing for the seasoned crew. At the airport, following the director’s suggestion, everyone indulged in a hearty McDonald’s meal, knowing they wouldn’t have such luxuries once they started the cycling trip. The director recalled last year’s cycling trip to Yunnan as “pure joy,” with a group of brothers accompanying him cheerfully. However, based on the principle of energy conservation, he also reflected on how an abundance of happiness could diminish one’s capacity for solitude and reflection.
Director’s Note: This isn’t a new beginning; it’s the continuation of a story interrupted in August, only to resume again in August. Last year, full of ambition, I went to Yunnan with a group of brothers. This year, I returned alone, seeking something lost in the winds of August. Can retracing my steps lead me back to what was lost?
But during post-production, the director had new thoughts about solo travel. “Perhaps it was because I had just gone through something; I wasn’t brave enough to embark on a solo journey. Like a broken body uncertain if it could withstand the harsh wind and bitter frost, I needed the companionship and warmth of friends. This year, I feel stronger and more solid, believing I can go alone.” (However, this time, a new friend—a guitarist named Xiao C—joined him. Before departure, Xiao C confidently declared, “Of course, I can ride.” The crew rejoiced, finally having a second angle to capture the director’s figure. Yet, in Xiao C’s GoPro footage, all they saw was the director speeding away for a solid five seconds, while Xiao C struggled with the handlebars and endless labored panting.)
Before meeting Teacher Deng Zhu, the director’s perception of him was defined by keywords like “male, 30 years old, cheerful string musician, music.” In reality, he was just as imagined: talkative, outgoing, optimistic, and passionate about music. His daily routine involved making Xuanzi( a Tibet traditional music instrument), drinking tea and playing Xuanzi on the grassland, and performing at his own string bar at night. Music wasn’t just a hobby for him; it was a way of life. Sitting on the grass, he would say things like, “I’ve loved singing since I was little,” and “I’ve never thought about a life without playing Xuanzi.” He casually mentioned going to the mushroom market in the afternoon to buy mushrooms for friends far and wide. It was the rainy season in August, the perfect time for matsutake mushrooms in Shangri-La. “It’s kind of a side job for me, earning some extra cash,” he said. “It’s a hobby and a breadwinner.” He spoke candidly and naturally, devoid of any “spiritual purity” that forbade the coexistence of art and commerce, moonlight and six pennies, very refreshed and straightforward.
These unexpected discoveries were like treasures, just as his  pre-performance routine declaration of “world peace” resonated in everyone’s hearts, sending ripples across their lives, iron out the wrinkles of life with the melodious sounds of traditional ethnic instruments.
Director’s Note: Xuanzi produce melodies through vibration, vocal cords create sound through airflow, and tapping different parts of a drum, with different force produces different tones. We express emotions through music. Although instruments can’t speak, they listen. Perhaps not everyone, not even loved ones, fully understands you, but your instruments remain faithful. They reflect who you are. We need to be listeners, to others and to nature, to avoid loneliness.
Talking about performances:
Deng Zhu: “I perform every night, even if there is no audience, I entertain myself.”
Talking about staying happy:
Deng Zhu: “Being content.”
Talking about big city:
Deng Zhu: “First, it’s too far away from home. Second, I think life shouldn’t be filled with so much suffering. Everyone has a kind heart, but many are forced by life, so there’s no way.”
Talking about desires:
Deng Zhu: “Maybe your desires are bigger. You’ll need to make more TV shows and movies… with so many audiences waiting.”
Director: “No, this film wasn’t made with the goal of making money. I hope to heal people through my own experiences, through cycling, and by meeting people like you. I hope those who watch this film can be healed. When people see you, I hope they’ll be infected by your optimistic attitude and find solace in the film. Perhaps everyone will experience setbacks and pain, but avoiding them won’t make them disappear. Life’s journey is still long.”
We’re about to leave Shangri-La. To this day, people still use the most beautiful words in their hearts to describe this place: it’s the bright moon and the distant horizon, the sacred and remote haven, the paradise away from Qin’s tyranny. It’s the farthest place from war, where the ethereal habitat fosters wishes for “world peace,” and everyone envisions such beauty, thus creating peace. I don’t know; this place seems like a corner pardoned by time, where the fragrance remains undiminished, yet unnoticed by people.
The string instrument, touched by Teacher Deng Zhu for years, is both an instrument and the music flowing in the blood of the local people’s song day and night. The first stop is the encounter with music, which will accompany everyone on the journey ahead. The director said, “Ten years ago, when I cycled through the Tibetan Plateau, there was only one song playing in my headphones, all the way.”
Bonus: Live version of “Unfinished Journey” by the String Bar (see the notes).
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