机场 Airport
Airline Agent: Good morning. May I see your passport, please?
Haizhe: Here you are.
Airline Agent: Thank you. Your flight is from Seoul to Shanghai, correct?
Haizhe: That’s right.
Airline Agent: Are you a member of Jellyfish Airlines?
Haizhe: Yes, here is my mileage card.
Airline Agent: Thank you. Do you have any luggage to check in?
Haizhe: Yes, I have one suitcase.
Airline Agent: Just put it on the scale for me, please.
Airline Agent: Here are your boarding pass and luggage ID tag. Your boarding time is 10 o’clock, and you’ll be boarding from gate 11.
Haizhe: Thank you.
海关 Customs
Officer: Good afternoon, ma’am! May I see your passport and boarding pass, please?
Haizhe: Sure, here you are.
Officer: Thanks. Where are you coming from?
Haizhe: Beijing, China.
Officer: And how long are you planning to stay in Australia?
Haizhe: I’ll be here for 12 days.
Officer: What brings you to Australia?
Haizhe: Just here for a concert and some vacation time.
Officer: Got it. Where will you be staying?
Haizhe: Ocean Hotel, here’s the confirmation.
Officer: Okay. Place the fingers of your left hand on the machine; we need to scan your fingerprints. Then, do the same with your right hand.
Officer: Everything looks good. Enjoy your trip to Australia. Have a great time!
Haizhe: Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day.
vacation: 度假
fingerprint: 指纹
出租车 Taxi
Driver: Good morning! How’s your day going?
Haizhe: I’m doing well, how about you?
Driver: I’m great, thanks! Where can I take you today?
Haizhe: I need to get to the Ocean Hotel, please.
Driver: Got it. Please buckle up.
Driver: It’s rush hour right now.
Haizhe: I see. Traffic is a nightmare right now. I hope we can get there before dinner time.
Driver:I’ll do my best to get you there on time!
buckle up:系上安全带
Seatbelt please:系上安全带(哲瀚版)
地铁 Subway
Haizhe: Hi, I need to buy a ticket to Ocean Station.
Transit Worker: Sure, one-way or round-trip?
Haizhe: Round-trip, please. And I also need a round-trip ticket from Ocean to Seaport.
Transit Worker: If you’re traveling a lot today or over several days, you might want to get a one-day pass or a farecard instead. It’s better than carrying around a bunch of tickets, and you can use it anytime.
Haizhe: That sounds perfect. I’ll go for a 20-dollar card.
Transit Worker: Here you are. It would help to slide the farecard on the card reader at the entrance to access the platform.
Haizhe: Thanks a lot. And can you tell me where the restroom is?
Transit Worker: It’s right over there on the corner. Enjoy your trips today.
I wanna improve my English. There are too many assignments.
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I wanna improve my Chinese
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It was challenging /really a challenge
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denim blue hat /fisherman
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unprepared٩( ๑╹ ꇴ╹)۶
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酒桶wine barrel barrel barrel
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屋顶芦苇reeds reeds reeds
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运河canal canal canal
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小炒黄牛肉stir-fried beef
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the farecard the farecard the farecard
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fingerprint: 指纹fingerprint: 指纹fingerprint: 指纹
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vacation: 度假
vacation: 度假
vacation: 度假
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翻译 Translate
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Seatbelt please Seatbelt please Seatbelt please
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buckle up buckle up buckle up
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