🎉 好消息! 🎉
为了庆祝《八月》在阿姆斯特丹斩获殊荣, 我们网站决定免费赠送66个积分给所有船员, 并颁发《水手勋章》 给完成前六个等级的优秀船员! 在此,我们向所有水手勋章的获得者表示衷心的祝贺! 你们的努力和坚持是我们前进的动力,我们为你们的成就感到无比自豪!🌟
对于这次未能获得勋章的用户,千万不要放弃! 旅程才刚刚开始,我们将在不久的将来颁发更多的勋章和机会。继续努力,我们相信你们!🚀
🎉 Exciting News ! 🎉
To celebrate August‘s prestigious win in Amsterdam, our website has decided to give away 66 points to all crew members for free and award the “Sailor Medal” to outstanding crew members who have completed the first six levels! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all recipients of the Sailor Medal! Your hard work and perseverance are the driving forces behind our journey forward, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements! 🌟
To those who didn’t earn a medal this time, don’t give up! The journey has just begun, and there will be more medals and opportunities coming soon. Keep striving, and we believe in you! 🚀

打卡打卡~~(๑• . •๑)
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小水母升职记之升职又回归缓慢期 船长再等等卡 滴~
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小水母升职记之见面倒计时咯 盲盒好运卡 滴~
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下午好亲爱的船长🥰 积分打卡中
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打卡打卡 ~~~
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还没有看到吊床小动画 今天能看到吗🤔(net小动画出现的概率到底是怎么样的啊🤔
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小水母升职记之开票生死斗马上上演 紧张激动卡 滴~
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越看ID后的图标越喜欢 红到发紫💃🏻
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net这次也会有抽幸运名额的环节吗 我的账号能幸运一次吗🙋🏻♀️🍀🙋🏻♀️
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小水母升职记之好多关键信息的一天哦 紧张卡 滴~
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