张哲瀚 在TC Candler 2024 全球百大最帅面孔的评比中名列第三!
Zhang Zhehan Ranked #3 on TC Candler 2024 The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2024

From TC Candler:
世界著名的 “100张最帅面孔名单” 及 “最美面孔名单” 自1990年以来由 TC CANDLER 和 THE INDEPENDENT CRITICS 每年发布。近年来,这份名单在社交媒体上获得了数十亿次的浏览和数亿次的观看,被广泛认为是同类排行榜中最具国际知名度和声望的名单之一。
多年来,这份名单中的超过1000位入选者都曾公开认可或亲自表示感谢。与大多数其他年度美貌排行榜不同,“100张最帅面孔名单” 并不是一场人气竞赛,也绝不是以国家为导向的排行。这份名单的宗旨并非选出最火或最知名的明星,而是试图启发和拓宽公众的审美观,而不是简单地反映公众的意见。
The world famous 100 MOST HANDSOME FACES LIST has been published, along with the BEAUTIFUL LIST, annually by TC CANDLER and THE INDEPENDENT CRITICS since 1990. In recent years, the list has garnered billions of social media impressions and hundreds of millions of views. It is widely considered to be the most internationally recognized and prestigious list of its kind.
The list has been acknowledged / personally thanked by over 1000 celebs that have been included on the lists over the years. Unlike most other annual beauty rankings, the 100 Most Handsome Faces List is not a popularity contest and it is definitely not country specific. It is not about the hottest or the most famous celebrity. Rather, the list attempts to inform & broaden public opinion, instead of reflecting it.
Aesthetic perfection is only one of the criteria. Grace, elegance, originality, daring, passion, class, poise, joy, promise, hope… they are all embodied in a gorgeous face.
We select only 100 faces out of the approximately 400,000+ celebrities (which works out to less than 0.001%). It is a thankless task, as no individual will ever agree with all the choices.
Over 50 countries are represented on the annual list. That number seems to go up every year as the public participation grows and expands. This diversity relies heavily on public suggestions from almost every corner of the globe.