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张哲瀚 2025「野」新年沙滩音乐会福利抽奖

Fan Benefits Activity for Zhang Zhehan 2025「Yeah」New Year Beach Music Festival

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张哲瀚2025「野」新年沙滩音乐会将于2025年1月5日举办, 福利专区已上线!

  • 购买ALAR区票的观众可参与1v10合照名额的抽奖,两区共抽取幸运观众60人(共6组)。
  • 购买BLBR、和B区座位/站票的观众可参加拍手名额抽取,三个区共抽取幸运观众100人。

Zhang Zhehan’s 2025 Yeah New Year Beach Music Festival is set for January 5, 2025—mark your calendar! The fan benefit section is now live!

  • Audience members who purchase tickets in the AL and AR sections will be entered into a lucky draw for a 1v10 group photo opportunity. A total of 60 lucky winners (6 groups) will be selected from these two sections.
  • Audience members who purchase tickets in the BL, BR, and B sections (seating or standing) will be entered into a lucky draw for a high-five interaction opportunity. A total of 100 lucky winners will be selected from these three sections.

🌟 购票后,请按实际情况填写下方表格,多个座位请分多次提交,一次只提交一个座位,每个席位号将在对应奖池参与抽奖;

🌟 停止收集后,我们会根据大家提交的座位号,用程序进行抽奖;
🌟 公示后,我们会统一发送核对邮件给中奖者,请务必确正确填写官网的注册邮箱和座位号;

🌟 回复审核邮件需提交电子票截图(请保护好票上二维码信息, 只向官方工作人员展示)。如有中奖人不符合要求,或超时回复,我们会重新抽取,请大家随时关注活动页面消息。


【Selection Process】
Phase 1: Application Submission: 12.21 00:00-12.27 23:59;
🌟 After ticket purchase, please fill out the form below based on your actual seat number. If you have multiple seats, please submit them separately, one seat at a time. Each seat number will enter the corresponding prize pool for the lucky draw.

Phase 2: Drawing and Winner Announcement: 12.28
🌟 After the submission period ends, we will use a program to draw the winners from the submitted seat numbers.
🌟 When the winner is announced, we will send a verification email to all the winners. Please ensure your email address and seat numbers submitted are correct.

Phase 3: Qualification Verification: 12.28-12.30;
🌟 Winners must reply to the verification email with a screenshot of their actual ticket with its QR code (Please keep your ticket safe! Only show your ticket QR code to official staff.). If a winner does not meet the requirements or fails to respond in time, we will draw the next available winner. Please stay tuned to the event page.

1. The final interpretation belongs to Zhang Zhehan’s official website.
2. If you have an official website account, bonus chances will be applied based on the user’s points as of 12.27. The higher the account’s points level, the greater the chance of winning. Additionally, each account is limited to one ticket per prize pool to receive a bonus. If one account enters multiple seats within the same prize pool, one seat will be randomly selected to receive the bonus. Therefore, please ensure the accuracy of your submitted information and avoid sharing your account or seat information with others.
3. Winners will receive a confirmation email after their email verification is approved. On the day of the meet-and-greet, they can collect their entry wristbands with their tickets.
4. After the performance, please follow the on-site staff’s guidance to proceed to the event.
5. All event times are in Beijing Time.

名称 Name or Alias 电邮 Email 座位区号 Zone 票的二维码数字 Ticket QR code number
Jin G que*** AR ***2
肌肉大腿腿 cat*** AL ***5
JamBatacco gra*** AL ***9
Ruby_Xiang2 rub*** AR ***0
Lisa_zzh511 bun*** AR ***1
开心铁柱(mizhe) wxk*** AL ***9
晖哥 312*** AR ***3
WANGJING 125*** AR ***8
瀚海晨星0511 307*** AL ***1
Airguitar zfo*** AL ***1
零星聚银河 qia*** AR ***0
HU66 191*** AR ***7
渭渭 qia*** AR ***2
奈奈卡 809*** AR ***7
SUNNY sun*** AL ***9
滟滟 553*** AL ***8
yingshiyue yin*** AL ***3
super3美毛豆 han*** AR ***4
毛球 tan*** AL ***3
peggy 237*** AL ***2
Azu.blue8 kaz*** AR ***5
mysuper3 974*** AL ***7
Lilithbelieveinlove lil*** AR ***3
Melody mel*** AR ***1
屋角的风铃 tia*** AL ***6
老虎来了 jil*** AL ***6
欧神张 ypl*** AL ***0
海与饕餮之宴 180*** AR ***5
angfei guc*** AL ***6
PPwing ngm*** AR ***3
月光恋上旅行 569*** AL ***7
snjia19910511 she*** AL ***8
君君 884*** AR ***8
春山巧 183*** AR ***2
chnn yeh*** AL ***1
休休 qin*** AL ***6
烤年糕 kiz*** AR ***9
yujiu jiu*** AL ***8
Sunny Yen yos*** AL ***9
Sophie 102*** AR ***2
张大排 hon*** AR ***7
铝宝123 147*** AL ***8
Praphai Sokeaw nuc*** AR ***0
zzhk2024 244*** AL ***2
Myby myb*** AL ***0
Haruyopeko har*** AR ***4
✨星河✨ 125*** AL ***5
留守儿童小P mia*** AL ***1
一只没有昵称的喵 swa*** AR ***1
北风凛冽 ir0*** AR ***1
Amelia朵 zsh*** AL ***8
Bonnie bon*** AR ***6
juju 594*** AL ***0
RAN0514 dua*** AR ***9
Bravo bra*** AR ***8
zzh*** AL ***2
lingshao511 177*** AR ***9
张小咪zhangxiao mi 882*** AL ***4
MiaoHung hse*** AL ***8
青柠气泡水 158*** AR ***5
名称 Name or Alias 电邮 Email 座位区号 Zone 座位号 Seat 票的二维码数字 Ticket QR code Number
lin15 549*** B * ***7
NOMU nor*** B * ***6
Ivy Jiang 996*** BR 13 *
HZ35113 hz3*** B * ***2
hannah 248*** B * ***7
泛舟见瀚海 138*** B * ***7
GGYY gyh*** B * ***4
哲般向阳 qij*** B * ***2
han*** B * ***3
Tracy Mok dji*** B * ***4
吴秀娟 343*** B * ***3
tww1016 414*** B * ***1
顾迟钧 anq*** B * ***0
亮晶晶 lan*** B * ***1
my511 dee*** B * ***2
Leung sui yuk yuk*** B * ***1
Little 474*** B * ***1
啦雅Maria yua*** B * ***8
落日跌宕幻想 644*** B * ***5
✨星河✨ 125*** B * ***2
风几 wan*** B * ***8
zyddw 110*** B * ***8
cynfangsj jel*** B * ***0
羽田有隻貓 tin*** B * ***7
一位幸福的海哲 472*** B * ***8
崖下听疯 382*** B * ***7
咖喱鱼丸 nic*** B * ***0
fennyfenny fen*** B * ***9
lucky3 234*** B * ***0
派大星 631*** B * ***1
啦雅 yua*** B * ***9
记得吃饭 ali*** B * ***7
lisatg lll*** B * ***2
wangbaobao 979*** B * ***6
小狗自觉等饭中 931*** B * ***0
huangyemilu hua*** B * ***3
溜达的影子 466*** B * ***5
张大排 hon*** B * ***7
鲸鱼 943*** B * ***2
小潤 k31*** B * ***7
Leopoldine wei*** BR 16 *
需要再一遍吗 492*** B * ***9
Fionafangxx liu*** B * ***6
噗噗 470*** B * ***5
dudu myz*** B * ***0
J918 lij*** B * ***1
peggy 237*** B * ***4
littlemay511 lit*** B * ***3
Rosetta Li pho*** B * ***0
郭儿 546*** B * ***2
汤汤 she*** B * ***1
菁芬 chi*** B * ***1
HESHANG laz*** B * ***5
海底的浪漫 422*** B * ***7
xiaohui 812*** B * ***8
张哲瀚的小心肝儿 dee*** B * ***4
啾啾啾 250*** BR 01 *
yanxi 275*** B * ***4
张哲瀚的野生亲姐姐 397*** B * ***3
沈识微 yhh*** B * ***5
Ranshao myl*** B * ***2
cpy333 mag*** BL 07 *
Jiejie 970*** BL 15 *
哲瀚泰裤辣 370*** B * ***6
tangtuantuan 547*** BR 13 *
fannfang fan*** B * ***5
Maggie熱愛水水的瀚瀚 mts*** B * ***4
zhehenmei0511 350*** BR 15 *
hippo1120 far*** B * ***8
Crisy.z 348*** B * ***0
不开门看到瀚瀚才开门 333*** B * ***4
910*** B * ***6
罗裳 kat*** B * ***5
可爱张张 hiz*** B * ***9
Z3 lyv*** B * ***7
xiaxiaobai xia*** B * ***3
Timelessly cut*** BL 03 *
Lilithbelieveinlove lil*** B * ***2
向日葵 zyz*** B * ***3
lichangyou sdj*** B * ***5
stardust sta*** B * ***7
Lina4kkw lin*** B * ***0
牛牛妈 dy_*** B * ***0
Catherine lfk*** B * ***3
ellenzzh511 495*** B * ***1
KK是菡咪的猫草 913*** B * ***6
akriasoso akr*** B * ***1
微疯 yua*** B * ***8
janejane jan*** B * ***1
Deereleven511 416*** B * ***4
Euphoria fay*** B * ***3
海哲N号 238*** B * ***3
浅墨丶小沫 931*** B * ***6
LEE HSIN-PING hsi*** B * ***3
Jin G que*** B * ***8
承德路周結倫 unb*** B * ***3
Super3是小可爱 135*** BR 15 *
哲瀚的小乖乖 159*** B * ***5
张端端 931*** B * ***4
keke z01*** B * ***6
2.7K 评论


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反正我知道这世界是不公平的。 但还是很伤心。

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vvip和vip也参与游戏。 vip购票失败。 福利也没有中奖。 伤心了。

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最后由Zhehenmei0511编辑于3 月 前


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