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Director’s Notes – Nature Blind Box

Continuing the journey…

First, we launched a drone over the Nujiang River;
Then, we rode through scorching hot desert-like sands akin to Flame Mountain;

Next, while lodging overnight in Muruo Village, we encountered a village-wide power outage;
· After wrapping up the day’s journey, searching for a place to rest, we suddenly veered off the road into darkness, and a myriad of thoughts rushed in—”Camping? Sleeping under the stars? Use the sky as our shelter?”—only to be informed that the village was experiencing a power outage.
· Finally finding a hotel, we saw a couple setting up a tent in the courtyard with flashlights, as it turned out, the fee for pitching your own tent was 60% cheaper than staying in a room.
· It was past ten at night, and the rumbling of the group’s hungry stomachs could play “a symphony of hunger”; so, we made instant noodles with the little warm water left in our thermos and whipped up a pot of fried rice and noodles to soothe the day’s fatigue.

(The “Mirror Selfie During Power Outage” photo, provided by the director)

But, we still wanted to go see the glacier.

Director’s Note: Having gone shirtless atop snow-capped peaks, and galloped across endless grasslands, perhaps it’s an inexplicable longing for glaciers, or maybe just sheer curiosity; seeing glaciers is something we must do even if it means taking the long way around.

On the first day after our recuperation, the group set out as planned to visit the Renlongba Glacier. Amidst countless yaks, we spotted a few tents scattered across the grassland. The director’s thought: “I thought the butter tea brewed by local herders might be more authentic, so I went to ask for a taste. When the hostess saw the camera, she turned away, signaling that I could help myself inside.” Later, I learned that they were not used to facing cameras because they believed that taking a photo would capture one’s soul. It reminded me of Sanmao’s “Notes of a Desolate Man,” where she ventured deep into the North African desert, carrying a camera to document the lives of nomadic tribes, only to be stopped by local men who believed that capturing someone on film meant capturing their soul. The more we travel, the more we sense the boundaries and boundlessness of the world. Respecting the customs and perceptions of each region equally, we are equally amazed by the aspirations of different places on Earth, even those as distant as the poles of a star, may one day meet up, reconnect and rotate together like tiny gears within a celestial body.

As we approached the foot of the glacier, victory seemed within reach, but the joy didn’t last long. Suddenly, a thick fog rolled in, followed by rain and hail. We had to turn back, the heavy rain washing away our tire tracks, leaving us wandering aimlessly on the grassland. We met nearby villagers seeking shelter from the rain in their tents, and the director said, “Huddling together with adults and children in a tent for warmth, having a decent bowl of noodles and a fried egg felt like the epitome of happiness” (although the director ate six fried eggs).

The next day, following the guide’s suggestion, we planned to visit the Langpu Glacier together. In the morning, we saw a rainbow, hoping that our wish would come true.

“Dunzhu: The bridge to the glacier collapsed last night.
Dunzhu: The bridge to the glacier collapsed last night due to heavy rain.”

Director’s Note: Sometimes, people say it’s fate playing a joke on you, but who would have thought nature would too.

Fortunately, the Langpu Glacier consists of six glacier groups. The guide said he could take us to see another glacier because of our schedule. This was our last chance. The director’s reflection: “As I walked up the rocky mountain road, getting closer and finally stepping onto the glacier, and then bending down to see the blue glacier ice shimmering in the sunlight, I thought of what the innkeeper said last year when climbing the snow mountain. He said humans don’t conquer snow-capped mountains; when you reach the summit, it’s just a close encounter with the peak. We don’t have the ability to conquer nature; we simply follow its habits and respect its power.” `

A journey entirely dictated by nature is like opening a “nature” themed blind box; there’s nothing to feel powerless or frustrated about. Whether the glacier opens up to us is up to the glacier to decide. When we start to let go of burdens and goals that must be achieved, the invisible framework of the world is thrown outside of wandering thoughts and illusions, embracing an endless present that belongs only to us.

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Director’s Note: Along this journey, glaciers in clear weather, glaciers in fog, glaciers in rain or hail are all different. Getting closer, it seems no different from ordinary ice. It is transparent and blue, yet unclear, and it keeps people at bay.
I don’t know which one is the truest glacier, but in the face of glaciers in different forms, the feelings it brings are genuine. Glaciers don’t belong to anyone, but I belong to myself.

From Lake Ranwu at an altitude of 3,850 meters, entering Motuo along a narrow mountain road, the vegetation along the way changes from low grassland to forests. Before departing, we heard that “there is only one Motuo in the world, and Motuo owns the entire world.” I don’t know what kind of blind box this trip will open.

Before entering the forest, we were warned by professionals that there were a variety of insects lurking, so we wrapped ourselves tightly. The first “blind box” was dropped during dinner; as we ate, the director rolled up his sleeves and found a leech falling out, blood already oozing out. (After bandaging by medic, the analysis began: why was only the director got leeched? Could it be because the director, always teasing insects for fun, wearing gloves and having intimate contact with them, the insects, not wanting to miss out, thought since you like me so much, I’ll go with you).
The second blind box, we encountered another documentary team in the village filming Mount Namcha Barwa; they had been waiting for two or three months and had only seen the full view of the mountain once or twice, while we only stayed for three days (and didn’t see the full view).
The third… let’s not open it yet.
Others cost money opening a blind box, but for the director, it costs his blood.


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