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见面会本来没吉隆坡站 张哲瀚自曝为大马粉丝而来

The Fan Meeting Was Not Originally Planned for Kuala Lumpur: Zhang Zhehan Reveals He Came for Malaysian Fans

张哲瀚为歌迷安排大马站见面会 宣布新歌和巡回演唱会计划

Zhang Zhehan arranged a fan meeting in Malaysia, announcing plans for a new song and a concert tour


Added an extra fan meeting in Kuala Lumpur for Malaysian fans! Zhang Zhehan welcomes fans to visit China!

隔五个月再返马见粉丝 张哲瀚自夸唱功进步

Returning to Malaysia to meet fans after five months, Zhang Zhehan boasts about his improved singing skills<


Zhang Zhehan brings good news at his fan meeting in Malaysia! Announces the release of a new song and plans for a concert tour.

Zhang Zhehan: The Most Handsome Man Alive 2024 张哲瀚,2024全球最帅男人

张哲瀚 《八月》荣获ARFF 国际电影节阿姆斯特丹单元环球奖

Zhang Zhehan won ARFF Film Festival「GLOBE AWARD」:AROUND INTERNATIONAL · AMSTERDAM MAY 2024 Selection


Zhang Zhehan was awarded the Artist of the Year at the 19th KKBOX Music Awards

《无碍》 在iTunes 全球榜和欧洲榜荣登双料冠军

“Unchained” Topped iTunes Worldwide and European Song Charts


Zhang Zhehan’s New Single “Unchained” will be released on June 6

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