张哲瀚出席新加坡 YES 933电台举办的YES 933 潮流音乐盛典
演唱《忧伤的晴朗》,《人生海海》,《马上就离开》,《曼陀罗》与《追》。获该次盛典的十组年度歌手之一。亲自作曲填词的《人生海海》荣获该届盛典的唯一年度金曲(Hit of the Year)
Zhang Zhehan attended the YES 933 Hit Fest organized by Singapore’s YES 933 radio station, performing “Melancholy Sunshine”, “Magnificent Life”, “Time to Leave”, “Datura”, and “Chase”. He was one of the ten Artiste of the Year singers awarded at the festival. His self-composed and written song “Magnificent Life” won the sole Hit of the Year award at the festival.