在本网站的所有网页底部的(如图),填入您的称呼(昵称就可,不需要真名)和电子邮箱地址。 一小段时间后,您的电子邮箱内就会收到请求您确认订阅的邮件。只要您点击确认订阅邮件内的确认按钮,就能看到“订阅成功”的反馈。这时,您对《航海通讯》的订阅就算完成了。
3. 订阅账号的管理
每封《航海通讯》电子邮件的底部,都会提供管理订阅账号的链接。 点击这些链接,您就可以进行各种操作,包括更换您的称呼或者取消订阅。
4. 订阅了《航海通信》,是不是就会自动成为本网站注册用户?
1. 如何成为网站注册用户?
点击这个链接,就会看到如下的一个注册界面。 请输入您选择的用户名,您的电子邮箱地址,和验证码,点击注册按钮。另外,想提醒大家的是,用户名只能是字母、数字和符号的组合,而且一旦注册后,就不可以再更改。 您如果希望评论区显示您别的称呼,可以在注册完成后,在自己的账号管理界面里面,设置不同的昵称。
注册按钮点击完成后,您的电子邮箱内会很快收到一封来自support@zhangzhehan.net的邮件,标题是”[张哲瀚官方网站 | Zhang Zhehan Official Website] 登录详情”。 请遵循邮件内指示,设置好您的账号密码。您的注册到此就算完成了。您可以用您注册的账号和密码登录网站并发表评论。
2. 注册用户有什么权限?
登陆您的账号后,在网站的右上角,您会看到“您好,账号名”这样的字样。 把鼠标放在那里,就会显示如下的下拉菜单。
4. 张哲瀚先生有注册账号吗?
About Website Language
- The website language is Chinese. Is other languages available?
- Yes! We offer an automatic translation feature that allows you to easily switch to other languages. However, there might be minor errors in translation occasionally, so we recommend referring to the original language for accuracy.
- How to switch the website language?
- Find the language switch button at the bottom of the page, and click it to choose your desired language!
- How is the accuracy of the translation ensured?
- Our automatic translation software strives to provide accurate translations, but minor issues may occasionally arise. If you find any translation errors, please contact us promptly, and we will fix them as soon as possible.
- Is it possible to provide content in other languages?
- We try our best to offer content in various languages, but due to resource and time limitations, we might not cover all languages. Please tell us if you have a specific language need, and we will do our best to meet your requirements.
Website Content Access Restrictions
Website Content Access Restrictions
- Why can’t I view content from YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, etc.?
- If there are restrictions on these platforms in your region, you might not be able to view the related content directly.
- How to solve the issue of being unable to view content?
- You can try using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to access blocked content.
- Are there other alternatives to view these contents?
- We provide some alternative solutions to ensure that you can access and view content on our website. However, please note that these alternatives might not fully replace the original platform’s functionalities.
Subscribe to the "Maritime Newsletter"
- How to Subscribe to the “Maritime Newsletter”?
- At the bottom of all pages on this website (as shown in the image), enter your name (nickname is fine, no need for your real name) and email address. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Simply click the confirmation button in the email to receive the “Subscription Successful”. At this point, your subscription to the “Maritime Newsletter” is complete.
newsletter subscription part
- At the bottom of all pages on this website (as shown in the image), enter your name (nickname is fine, no need for your real name) and email address. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Simply click the confirmation button in the email to receive the “Subscription Successful”. At this point, your subscription to the “Maritime Newsletter” is complete.
- What’s on the “Maritime Newsletter”?
- The “Maritime Newsletter” will periodically send dynamic generated news summaries of Mr. Zhang Zhehan to your subscribed email.
- How do I Manage my Subscription Account?
- At the bottom of each “Maritime Newsletter” email, there will be a link to manage your subscription account. By clicking on these links, you can perform various actions, including changing your name or unsubscribing.
- Does subscribing to the “Maritime Newsletter” automatically make you a registered user of this website?
- Subscribing to the “Maritime Newsletter” only entitles you to receive emails from the newsletter and does not automatically make you a registered user of the website. You will not have the privilege of commenting or using avatars as a registered user. If you wish to become a registered user, you need to follow the registration process to create your user account, choose your comment nickname, and select your avatar.
Become a Registered User on the Website
- How to Become a Registered User on the Website?
- Click on this link, and you will see the registration page below. Enter your chosen username, email address, and the verification code, then click the registration button. Please note, your usernames can only be a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, and once registered, they cannot be changed. If you wish to display a different name in the comments section, you can set a different nickname on your account management page after registration is completed.
- What Permissions Do Registered Users Have?
- Registered users of this website can post comments in the website’s comment section and reply to comments from other registered users. Each registered user can set their own nickname and avatar on the account management page. Additionally, to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the website’s comment section, the website reserves the right to delete comments and cancel registered user accounts for users who violate the comment section rules.
- How to Set Your Account’s Nickname and Avatar?
- After logging into your account, you will see “Hello, [username]” in the top right corner of the website. Hover your mouse over it to display the dropdown menu below.
- Does Mr. Zhang Zhehan have a registered account?
- The website admin has reserved a special account and special avatar with identification for Mr. Zhang Zhehan. If he comments in the comment section, you will recognize him. 🙂
Thank you for your support and patience! We will continue to work hard to make the website better and hope to bring you more joy and surprises!
How to contact you?
- If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us via email: support@zhangzhehan.net
Thank you for your support and patience! We will continue to work hard to make the website better, hoping to bring you more joy and surprises!