《坏 Bad》 由歌手独立填词,张哲瀚从日常中极具实感的枝微末节下笔,营造暗藏生活细节的画面感。在编曲上,以电子摇滚为基底,如同沉浸在复古以及未来时空交错中,由实入虚,层层铺陈放大空间感。
“Don’t you think time is cruel?”
Stories that we couldn’t understand in the past, when revisited, now bring us to tears. It’s not the stories that have changed, but us, who have been touched by time. The hands of the clock rotate ceaselessly and silently; with each turn, they can conceal the past and steal away the future. Time heals all, yet it also destroys all, and although it seems to destroy everything, it also heals everything. In the tough journey through the cosmos, our time is just a fleeting moment. If time flows incessantly day and night, week and month, why fear the distant future that is destined to come?
“Bad” is penned independently by the singer, with Zhang Zhehan starting from the highly realistic minutiae of everyday life, creating a sense of imagery hidden in life’s details. In terms of arrangement, it is based on electronic rock, as if immersed in a blend of retro and futuristic timelines, moving from reality to illusion, layer by layer, amplifying the sense of space.
In the cover design, the Chinese character ‘坏’ is ingeniously deformed into the shapes of clock hands and numbers, symbolizing “the fluidity of time,” while the English word ‘BAD’ is designed to resemble digital figures. The overall color tone is like stepping into a dark green forest reflecting unpredictable flowing light, gradually unraveling the abstract code of time.
歌词 Lyrics
A glass of milk, half filled
A piece of bread, half pulled
Last night’s haze, yet to clear away
今日的思绪 仍旧不断
Thoughts of today, in endless sway
Fill a cup with tea,
Turn the book to page 67, stanza 3
Clouds drifting, grace in the sky
Tomorrow’s breeze still carries hopeful signs
It’s the echos of my heart too late to diagnose
Frame by frame, fake illusions
It’s the racing heartbeats cannot slow down
扑通扑通 坠入彼岸
Thump, thump, fall into abyss
时间 偷走了什么 偷走了什么
Time has stolen things from me, stolen things from me
过去吗 从前啊 四季变换 寻觅答案
Past days? Old times? Season changes. I seek answers
时针只是一直在 只是一直在 围着我旋转啊
Hands in clocks keep ticking tock. Clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around,around me
每天每夜 每周每月
Through days and nights, from weeks to months
Walk to the street’s other end,
Where green and red lights blend.
The blankness behind me sways and disperses,
是心渲染 上了色彩
Colors fill my heart, as it immerses.
On the wall, the vines attest,
依稀勾勒着谁与谁 的相爱
Sketching vaguely the love that two connect
Between her and him lies
The memory that quickly dies
时空注定 无法倒带
Space and time sealed, no turning back
是内心的执念 不断的阻碍
It’s the obsession in my heart that keeps hindering
一段段 落寞的狂欢
One by one, the lonely revelries
充斥着舞台 是无声的呐喊
The stage is flooded with silent screams
挟着苍白 滴答滴答 瓦解信赖
Bear a pallor, ticking and tocking, the trust’s dissolving
时间 偷走了什么 偷走了什么
Time has stolen things from me, stolen things from me
过去吗 从前啊 四季变换 寻觅答案
Past days? Old times? Season changes. I seek answers
时针只是一直在 只是一直在 围着我旋转啊
Hands in clocks keep ticking tock. Clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around, around me
每天每夜 每周每月
Through days and nights, from weeks to months
时间 偷走了什么 偷走了什么
Time has stolen things from me, stolen things from me
明天吗 未来啊 忘了期待 失了观感
Tomorrow? The future? Hopes forgotten, senses shaken
时针只是一直在 只是一直在 围着我旋转啊
Hands in clocks keep ticking tock, clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around, around me
每天每夜 每周每月
Through days and nights, from weeks to months
过去吗 从前啊 四季变换 寻觅答 案
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时针只是一直在 只是一直在 围着我旋 转啊
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Hands in clocks keep ticking tock, clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around, around me
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每天每夜 每周每 月
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Through days and nights, from we eks to months
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把茶杯 斟 满
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Fill a cup wi th tea
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翻开书本第67页第 3段
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Turn the book to page 67, stan za 3
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云朵飘在空 中恬淡
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