现实偶尔落寞,期待不慎落空,糟糕的情绪日积月累,勇敢按下暂停和重启键,给超载的压力放个假,把烦恼通通塞进魔盒。 随着清晨第一声闹铃响起,做好派对前的精心装扮,给自己打造一个无局限造型,即刻出发, “欢迎来到头号玩家的游戏派对”。 在这个充满创意和感染力的乐园,虚拟与现实交汇,《头号玩家》铺陈出竞速类、舞蹈类、策略类等不同模式的挑战空间,随机切换冒险家、战士或策略家等主角身份。
Reality can sometimes be disappointing, with expectations falling through, and bad emotions piling up day by day. Let us bravely press the pause and restart buttons, give a break to the overwhelming stress, and stuff all worries into a magic box. With the first alarm of the morning, get ready for the party with careful preparation, create an unlimited style for yourself, and set off immediately, “Welcome to the No. 1 Player’s game party.” In this creative and infectious paradise where virtual and reality intersect, “No. 1 Player” unfolds a space for challenges in racing, dancing, and strategy modes, randomly switching between the roles of adventurer, warrior, or strategist.
At the end of the song, the sound effects of a video game console simulate the melody of the previous single “Bad,” intertwining the childlike wonder with the ‘bad’ of time, binding the two elements of games and music like two sides of a coin.
As the closing track of the album “Datura,” this song inspires listeners in a lively and cheerful way, injecting the courage to dare to enjoy, declaring the release of living wildly, while also possessing the truth of bravely saying no.
Finally, the last key to open the castle, have you found it?
歌词 Lyrics
头号玩家 No. 1 Player
喂 喂 Wake Up
Hey, hey. Wake up
这都几点 太阳晒到 屁股啦
What time is it? The sun is burning on your butt.
来 来 Light Up
Come, come, light up
换件衣裳 皮鞋擦擦 就出发
Change your suit. Shine your shoes. Let’s-a go
Jump Jump To The Sky
Jump Jump To The Sky
跳起来 升级闯关 打个怪
Get up. Level up. Slay the beast
Run Run We Just Try
Run Run We Just Try
好与坏 竞技场上 我主宰
Good or bad, I am the king of the arena
找到没 城堡钥匙藏在哪 还缺一把
Found it yet? Where’s the hidden castle key? One more to get.
天一黑 今夜狼人是谁 演技派对垒
Night falls. Who’s the werewolf tonight? Acting skills PK
荒漠雪地 雨林或海底
Deserts, snowscapes, rainforests, or under the sea
指尖燃起 舞步心跳旋律
Fingertips ignite, dance, heartbeats, melodies
寻觅寻觅找金币 不着急 换个装要紧
Searching, searching for the coins. No hurry. First change outfits
漂移漂移加马力 方向盘 握在我手里
Drifting, drifting. Turbo boost. The steering wheel held in my hands
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
喂 喂 Wake Up
Hey hey wake up
这才几点 怎么就要 睡着啦
What time is it? How can you sleep now?
来 来 Light Up
Come, come, light up
墨镜一戴 灯光一开 谁都不爱
Sunglasses on. Lights on. I care nobody
Jump Jump To The Sky
Jump Jump To The Sky
跟节拍 活动脚踝 疯起来
Follow the beats. Move our feet. Go crazy
Run Run We Just Try
Run Run We Just Try
不停下 活力全开 就现在
Don’t stop now. Energy maxed. Let’s-a go.
烦恼烦恼丢一旁 看不惯 又拿我怎样
Worries, worries, throw to the side. Dislike me? What can you do?
来吧来吧别紧张 大不了 从头来一场
Come on, come on, stay calm. At worst, start it all over
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
喂 喂 Wake Up
Hey hey wake up
这才几点 怎么就要 睡着啦
What time is it? How can you sleep now?
来 来 Light Up
Come, come, light up
墨镜一戴 灯光一开 谁都不爱
Sunglasses on. Lights on. I care nobody
Jump Jump To The Sky
Jump Jump To The Sky
别坐下 一起摇摆 恰恰恰
Don’t sit down. Let’s sway. Cha-cha-cha
Run Run We Just Try
Run Run We Just Try
到天亮 彻底疯狂 活一场
Till morning light, go wild. Live our lives.
Jump Jump To The Sky
Jump Jump To The Sky
别坐下 一起摇摆 恰恰恰
Don’t sit down. Let’s sway. Cha-cha-cha
Run Run We Just Try
Run Run We Just Try
到天亮 彻底疯狂 活一场
Till morning light, go wild, live our lives.
iTunes Worldwide Song Chart No.1 x 3 days
iTunes Europe Song Chart No.1 x 4 days
Hit FM 2024年度百首金曲 HitFM Top 100 song chart: No 3
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不是说傻人有傻福吗 我都成傻逼了 我的福呢谁把我福享了。
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别坐下 一起摇摆 恰 恰恰
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到天亮 彻底疯狂 活一 场
Till morning light, go wild. Live
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Good or bad , I am the king of the aren
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Found it yet? Where’s the hidden c astle key? One more to get.
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