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张哲瀚导演纪录片《八月》荣获 Red Movie Awards 2024年夏季篇最佳剧本奖

Zhang Zhehan’s Directorial Debut Documentary August – Winner of the Best Screenplay at Red Movie Awards Summer 2024

张哲瀚导演纪录片《八月》入围 Red Movie Awards 2024年夏季篇最佳剧本奖和最佳无人机摄影奖

Zhang Zhehan’s Directorial Debut Documentary August Nabs Finalist Spots for Best Screenplay and Best Drone at Red Movie Awards Summer 2024

张哲瀚导演的纪录片《八月》获得 ARFF 阿姆斯特丹 2024 年度奖 Audience Awards 提名

Zhang Zhehan’s Directorial Debut Documentary August Nominated for Audience Award at ARFF Amsterdam 2024 Annual Awards

시광지성 : 웨이브 《时光之城》将在韩国流媒体 WAVVE 和 WATCHA 播出

“Castle in the Time” to Stream on Korean Platforms WAVVE and WATCHA

チャン・ジャーハンの不器用な愛情表現が愛おしい 『時間の都市』は胸キュンポイント満載


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