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最新单曲⌈Lost in London⌋ 1月23日全球上线 Latest Single "Lost in London" Global Launch on Jan 23
《拾荒者》专辑第六首单曲《Lost in London》一月二十三日全球上线。
In May 2024, Zhang Zhehan strolled through the streets of London, captivated by the city’s unique charm where the ancient intertwines with the modern and culture blends seamlessly with history. That evening, he penned a travelogue of his day, which became the first draft of the song’s lyrics. After six months of meticulous refinement, he fused his personal emotions with London’s timeless allure, creating this moving piece of music.
The sixth single from the album “Scavenger”, ‘Lost in London’, was released globally on Jan 23.
《八月》是中國演員張哲瀚首次擔任導演的紀錄片,2024年4月14日上線。 該片記錄了張哲瀚在2021年8月突遇網路風暴,演藝人生頃刻被顛倒後的一次自我療愈之旅。 當舞臺與燈光不再,當事業與生活被網路上的不實資訊和惡意扭曲震碎,張哲瀚選擇在兩年後的8月,以自己熱愛的方式向著真實的世界重新出發。從香格里拉到拉薩的騎行之路上,他遇見雪山和冰川,遇見草木牛羊,遇見許多個普通而動人的面孔;他傾聽天地之聲,傾聽陌生人的故事,也傾聽內心的痛和愛。 曾經的8月還未終結,以後的8月依然會來。而這一個《八月》意義非常。
The documentary, “August”, which marks the directorial debut of Chinese actor Zhang Zhehan, was released on April 14th,2024. This film documents Zhang’s deeply personal journey of self-healing in the aftermath of a devastating cyber media storm in August 2021 that abruptly halted his acting career. In the absence of the stage and limelight, when his career and life were shattered by false information and malicious distortions online, Zhang Zhehan chose to embark on a journey in August, two years later, to embrace the real world in the way he loves. On this cycling trip from Shangri-La to Lhasa, he encountered snow-capped mountains and glaciers, came across meadows and trees, flocks and herds, and many ordinary yet soul-touching individuals; He listened to the sounds of nature, the stories of strangers, as well as the pain and love within his heart. The shadow of the past August still lingers, and the Augusts of the future will continue to arrive. This particular month in, “August”, is exceptionally meaningful.

《八月》YouTube视频看不见? 那试试这个。
奖项: 荷兰ARFF 阿姆斯特丹国际电影节 2024年度最佳纪录片奖,五月期全球奖; 法国Red Movie Awards 2024 夏季期最佳剧本奖,最佳无人机摄影荣誉奖, 西班牙MADFA马德里电影奖2024第11届 最佳中长片奖,官方入选最佳剪辑奖; 美国Mindfield电影节2024年11-12月期最佳纪录片奖, 最佳导演奖,最佳剪辑奖,最佳摄影奖; 美国Accolade全球电影竞赛卓越奖-特别表彰,卓越奖-亚洲电影人;美国Maverick电影奖年度最佳摄影提名
Awards: ARFF Amsterdam Annual Best Documentary for 2024, May 2024 Globe Award; Red Movie Awards Best Screenplay Summer 2024, Best Drone Honorable Mention; MADFA 2024 11th Edition Best Half-Length Film, Best Editing Official Selection; Mindfield Film Festival bi-monthly competition Nov/Dec 2024 Best Documentary Feature, Best Director, Best Editing, Best Cinematography; Accolade Global Film Competition Award of Excellence Special Mention, Award of Excellence-Asian Filmmaker; Marverick Movie Awards Nominee for Best Cinematography
收录2023年发行的8首单曲和2024年初发行的《头号玩家》新曲。专辑中7首单曲曾问鼎iTunes世界单曲榜榜首。数字专辑本身自发行日起,连续四日问鼎iTunes世界专辑榜榜首,并联动专辑内9首单曲成为iTunes世界单曲榜前十。 实体专辑发行后,在五大唱片,玫瑰大众,博客来,诚品线上等各大影音商店销售榜上夺冠,彰显歌手超强号召力。
“Datura” includes eight singles from 2023 plus the new “No. 1 Player.” Seven singles topped the iTunes Worldwide Song Chart. Following the digital version’s release, “Datura” dominated the iTunes Worldwide Album chart for four days, and all nine singles hit the top 10 on the iTunes Worldwide Song chart. After the physical album release, it topped the sales charts in major music stores such as Five Music, G-Music,, and Eslite Online, showcasing the artist’s immense appeal and popularity.
2024.11.16 韩国首尔「洪荒剧场II」演唱会 Seoul “Primordial Theater II” Concert
On November 16, 2024, Zhang Zhehan’s Primordial Theater 2.0 concert came to a spectacular close in Seoul, South Korea. The evening began with a dazzling array of meticulously choreographed new dance tracks, their vibrant rhythms and fiery energy instantly setting the stage alight. The audience was swept away into an unforgettable night of musical celebration, a feast for the senses that bridged artistry and emotion. Amid the chill of late autumn, Zhang’s electrifying performance delivered a radiant warmth, gifting attendees a night of passion, joy, and boundless energy.

Latest News

Breaking News: Zhang Zhehan’s August Wins New Honors at Accolade Global Film Competition and Maverick Movie Awards

张哲瀚荣获 XUAN 电台 两项大奖
Zhang Zhehan Wins Two Major Awards at XUAN Radio

PlayMusic 音乐网报道:揉合旅情與詞曲 張哲瀚打造〈Lost in London〉陪樂迷過年
PlayMusic Report: Blending Travel Experiences with Music: Zhang Zhehan Creates “Lost in London” to Accompany Fans During the New Year

快讯: 张哲瀚闪耀2024 Hit FM年度百首单曲榜,《头号玩家》第三,《Going Off》《Can You Hear Me》上榜
Breaking:Zhang Zhehan Shines on 2024 Hit FM Top 100 Chart with Three Singles in Top 40

Yahoo报道:張哲瀚打造〈Lost in London〉陪樂迷過年 旅途感悟成新專輯重要元素
Zhang Zhehan creates “Lost in London” to accompany fans during the New Year; reflections from his travels become a key element of his new album.

Zhang Zhehan Releases New Single “Lost in London”
张哲瀚发行新歌《Lost in London》